Almond Chili Risotto


  • 1 house almond chili pesto

  • 1 vegetable or chicken stock

  • 1 arborio rice

  • 1 piece parmigiano reggiano

  • 1 Paganelli salami, chopped into small pieces (Optional)

  • salt & pepper to finish


1. Heat 2.5 cups stock until almost boiling then keep over low heat.

2. Add 3/4 cup rice (for 4 people) to a large pan, pour in some stock (about 1/3) and bring to a gentle simmer. Cook until almost all stock has been absorbed, stirring regularly.

3. Add more stock a little at a time, allowing it to become mostly absorbed each time, until the rice is nicely al dente.

4. Remove risotto from heat and stir in almond chili pesto to coat rice.

5. Add pieces of salumi (optional), plate risotto, and grate cheese on top.


Honeynut Squash Risotto


Pizza Calabrese