Honeynut Squash Risotto


  • 1 vegetable or chicken stock

  • 1 arborio rice

  • 1 honeynut squash, diced

  • 1 Stirling Unsalted Butter

  • 1 piece parmigiano reggiano

  • Olive oil

  • 1 white onion

  • Sage leaves or dry sage


1. Heat 2.5 cups stock until almost boiling then keep over low heat.

2. Saute onion in oil until soft but not browned. Add chopped sage leaves and cook for a couple minutes.

3. Add 3/4 cup rice and stir well for a few seconds to coat the grains with oil, then pour in some stock (about 1/3) and bring to a gentle simmer. Cook until almost all stock has been absorbed, stirring regularly.

4. Add squash and a little more stock and continue to simmer gently, stirring occasionally, until the stock has been absorbed.

5. Add more stock a little at a time until the squash is soft and the rice is nicely al dente. The texture of the risotto should be loose and creamy.

6. Stir the butter into the risotto and season with salt and pepper. Top with cheese and serve.


Truffle Risotto


Almond Chili Risotto